Sunset on the Tre cime di Lavaredo covering the peaks in rose A man in a chair enjoying the view of the Dolomites from high up in the mountains A family with a camper van checking the street map along a wood A couple in their yellow tend staring in the distance Details of a pair of walking boots, a map, a backpack and a drinking bottle A family in South Tyrol after snowboarding in winter, surrounded by snowy peaks

Comfort Camping Tisens-Tesimo

Comfort Camping
4 Stars Tesimo

South Tyrol - Italy

Luxury Camping Schlosshof

Luxury Camping

Lana/Meran, Südtirol

Contact the campsites

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You may choose just one holiday area for each request
Alta Badia Giardino del Sudtirolo Sciliar - Alpe di Siusi
Alta Val Pusteria Merano e Dintorni Valle Isarco
Bolzano e Dintorni Plan de Corones Val Venosta


al trattamento dei miei dati personali anche per l'invio di materiale pubblicitario e di marketing (consenso facoltativo)

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